Photo Credit @ Carmen S0
Jacklam always
Dec 8 - Dec 9, 2012
賽馬會黑盒劇場 JCCAC Black Box Theater
“Jacklam always” is the Last Project of “20 Series”.
in 2010, we created “Jacklam’s 20th Anniversary” to record and to summarize the 20 years life of Jacklam Ho. and we found out that we had changed the personality of him. the project is a reflection of "20 Series".
After 2 projects on autobiography theatre production, we doubt with autobiography itself as a tool to make a objective expound in now world while we all lost our true self in the internet social media.
the project was a theatre performance including media installation.
Producer, Production Manager
Samuel Chan
Samuel Chan
Jacklam Ho
Total To
Set and Costume Design
Jan Wong
Lighting Design
Sound Design
Victor Shum
Video Deisgn
Samuel Chan